We all know that daylight savings time is a dread as inevitable as taxes. In the springtime the sun finally stays up for longer but we have to deal with losing an hour of sleep to get it. At least we’re here to help with some tips to help you deal with the change and wake up a little more refreshed on the following Monday.

Tip 1: Prep a Few Days Early

Try going to be an hour early starting a few days prior to the change. This will help get your circadian rhythm ready to adapt for the loss of an hour.

Tip 2: Lights on, Lights Off

During the day get as much sun as possible. While at night try and take in as little light as possible. This helps your bodies natural triggers that release melatonin, the hormone that tells your body when it’s time to go to bed.

Tip 3: Follow A Routine

If you have a bedtime routine, such as a hygiene routine or pre sleep rituals, this is not the time to deviate. Stick to your same routines or start making a routine in the days or weeks preceding Daylight Savings. This will help your body know that it’s time to go to bed.

Tip 4: Avoid Coffee and Alcohol Before Bed

Try to avoid as many stimulants 4 to 6 hours prior to your bed time. That means caffeine, as well as not exercising too late. Also avoid alcohol. Alcohol reduces the quality of your sleep and impedes your ability to enter a REM (rapid eye movement) cycle, which is the deepest part of your sleep.